Sharner Kobold Sharner Kobold



Barely known legends tell, the gods had created mankind, elves, dwarves or orcs while planning, loving or hating, but while dreaming, they had given life to the mothfolk. Whether it is true or not, these mysterious beings can easily be described as ‘dreams personified’. Graceful wanderers and gifted poets, mothfolk are children of the night, celebrating their longings under the stars and the Moon. They are rarely found in big cities, preferring rural or wild surroundings, where no walls or noises keep them off from reaching distant moonlit horizons.

There are two kinds of mothfolk - lunar and star; however, they differ little and get along with the opposite subrace as well as with their own.

Personality: Mothfolk are born dreamers and visionaries. Though able to see and enjoy in worldly, tangible things and events, every mothfolk carries a higher, greater wish or dream in her heart. For the sake of these dreams, they live, breath and fight.

Mothfolk are also curious by their nature; for them, the unknow needs not to be neccessarily dangerous, it is more likely to turn out exciting. Because of this attitude, some members of this race have difficulties to learn from their or other individuals’ errors, even from fatal ones. Nevertheless, mothfolk aren’t stupid - they just tend to lack seriosity.

Lunar mothfolk tend to be slightly more passionate than star mothfolk.

Physical description: Mothfolk posess slim elflike stature, standing from 4,5 to 5,5 feet tall and weighting 90 to 130 pounds. Males and females do not differ significantly in regards of body measures. The skin of these beings appears greyish, their eyes are mostly dark, making it hard to tell the pupils from the iris. Mothfolks’ hair is very soft and unsually varies from light to dark brown, though black- or grey-haired ones also exist. Atop their foreheads, two feather-shaped mothlike footlong antennae sprout among the hair.

In their moth form (see below), members of this race resemble dog-sized moths, with no features untypical for these insects, except for the size. Their predominating fur and wing color correlates with the hair color they posess in humanoid shape. Lunar mothfolk wings contain golden dust, while those of star mothfolk contain silvery.

Mothfolk use to wear silky, free-falling garments, preferring mild colors over shiny.

They reach adulthood at the age of 16 and may become up to100 years old.

Relations: Due to their free-spirited and art-loving nature, mothoflk come along well with surface elves, many halflings and some similar thinking humans are also likely to achieve a mothfolk’s friendship. They see gnomes as a bit too earth-bound, but otherwise appreciate their curious and fun-loving attitude. Dwarves are narrow-minded spoil-sports in mothfolks’ eyes, while half-orcs seem grotesque but nevertheless worth of some attention, until they turn out too rude.

Alignment: Valuing personal freedom over other virtues, mothfolk tend to chaos rather than to dream-reglementing order; most of them carry benevolent or caring attitude, more often showing good alignment than neutral or evil.

Mothfolk lands: Mothfolk do not claim special places or landscapes to be their property, heirloom or something else providing them exceptional rights over other beings living aside them. Small mothfolk communities does exist, hiding near beautiful places like blooming glades or waterfall cascades. Visitors are often not welcome there, though mothfolk prefer to retreat rather than to fight steadily for a concrete place - if it is not their highest dream to do so.

Religion: Because they favor dreaming over praying, mothfolk seldom dedicate themselves to serving a deity or a pantheon. However, some of them may find patrons among gods valuing freedom, like Fharlanghn, Ehlonna or even Olidammara, although a pious mothfolk is more of an exception.

Language: Among themselves, mothfolk speak Sylvan. They are also very likely to learn Elven, since lots of beautiful songs and poems are written in the language of the Fair folk.

Names: Mothfolk usually give their children sonorous Sylvan names, traditional ones as well as newly created ones. They have no use for last names; however, they often compose individual “passion-names” from three words picturing their dreams and personal preferences best.

Male names: Comhghan, Daimhin, Dubhagain, Hagan, Kyran, Lochlann, Muircheartaigh, Quaid, Ravelyn, Seamas, Suileabhan

Female names: Aoibheann, Brighid, Caolaidhe, Grania, Gwenwyfar, Labhaoise, Mairona, Orglaith, Phiala, Siodhachan

Passion-names: Flight-Rain-Wind, Song-Stream-Sky, Spark-Dream-Silence, Sword-Moon-Dance

Mothfolk racial traits:

  • Outsider (native). Mothfolk are otherwordly beings, linked to distant dream realms beyond reality. Still, they are also children of the planet giving life to them.
  • -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma. Graceful and mesmerizing, mothfolk lack raw physical power and are as likely to be fascinated by something as to fascinate someone by themselves.
  • Medium size. As medium creatures, mothfolk have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Mothfolk base land speed is 30 feet.
  • Low-Light Vision: A mothfolk can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
  • Darkvision: Mothfolk can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and mothfolk can function just fine with no light at all.
  • Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells with Charm descriptor cast by mothfolk. This adjustment stacks with those from similar effects, like the Spell Focus feat.
  • +2 racial bonus on Survival checks to avoid getting lost (aboveground only). Mothfolk navigate skillfully reading the sky and the wind like an open book.
  • Spell-like abilities: 2/day - dancing lights, faerie fire, suggestion
  • Lunar mothfolk: 1/day - searing light
  • Star mothfolk: 1/day - glitterdust
  • Caster level equals mothfolk’s total hit dice, save DC 10 + mothfolk’s Cha modifier + spell level.
  • Moth shape (Su): At night or being undergroud, mothfolk can assume the form of a dog-sized moth as a full-round action. In this shape, she gains flight speed of 40 feet (good maneuvrability), Scent as an extraordinary ability and a +2 racial bonus on Spot checks due to insectoid wings, fully functional antennae and keen facette eyes. A mothfolk may verbally communicate, cast spells or use spell-like abilities while in moth shape; however, she cannot use weapons (or any physical attacks at all, including unarmed strike) or any extraordinary abilities she possesses in her humanoid form. She also cannot wear any equipment unless it is shaped in a way her insectoid body would support it. For example, a transformed mothfolk could wear a necklace or a belt, but no armor, headbands, bracers, boots and so on. Her unusable equipment does not meld into the new form, it simply falls of while her body assumes the insectoid shape.
  • A mothfolk can remain in her moth shape untill next dawn (or for a maximum of 8 hours when being underground); once changed back to the humanoid shape, she cannot transform herself again until the next night falls (or untill 12 hours have passed, when being underground). Changing back to the humanoid form takes a standard action.
  • A mothfolk druid without the Natural Spell feat may cast spells while in moth shape, but not while transformed by means of her Wild Shape ability.
  • Wings (Ex): Upon reaching 8 hit dice, mothfolk gain the ability to grow mothlike wings without need to assume fully insectoid form. The wings grant her flight speed of 40 feet with good maneuvrability and may remain present for an unlimited period of time. Growing or retracting wings takes a full-round action. A mothfolk cannot grow wings while wearing any hindering equipment, like unadjusted armor, cloak or heavy garments.
  • Light Blindness: Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds mothfolk for 1 round. On subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Undercommon.
  • Favored Class: Bard. A multiclass mothfolk’s bard class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty.
  • Level adjustment: +2


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