FFG News
Red Viper Promotion!
Throughout the month of April Fantasy Flight is hosting a special A Game of Thrones promotion: anyone who buys $10 of A Game of Thrones product at your local game store gets a free The Red Viper promo card – and you can get more Red Viper cards for every additional $10 you spend!
How it works:
This promotion is only valid for brick & mortar retail stores. All you have to do is encourage your local gaming store to fill in the form at www.fantasyflightgames.com/redviper.html, and FFG will send them the Red Viper Promotion Kit at the end of March. The kit includes an 8 1/2 x 11 standee to advertise the promotion, and a pack of 30 The Red Viper promo cards.
Red Viper Rocks!
The Red Viper promo card is a preview of the upcoming A Crown of Suns expansion. The Red Viper is the first glimpse at the new great House being introduced in the expansion, House Martell – a hugely anticipated addition to A Game of Thrones, and one of the most asked-for cards from the series!
A Game of Thrones Cardgame: Ice and Fire Premium Starters Available Next Week!
Once again FFG is offering an introduction set for the current game cycle in A Game of Thrones. Last year, FFG released the Premium Starter Set for the Westeros Edition – giving new players a great starting point in the game, as well as providing experienced players with an assortment of new cards and access to a few cards that have been out of print from the last 3 AGOT card sets.
The Ice and Fire Premium Starter includes enough Targaryen and Greyjoy cards (including House Cards) for two players to enjoy A Game of Thrones, complete up-to-date detailed rules for AGOT, and 8 completely new cards for your A Game of Thrones collection.
The Ice and Fire Premium Starters will be available from your game store next week!
Diese News wurden uns von FFG zur Verfügung gestellt, leider blieb mir diesmal keine Zeit zum übersetzen! Danke für Euer Verständnis. [Talamar]
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