The Weekly Gatezeer #17

So hier die Wochen-News: Der Gatezeer.
Hier die News der vergangenen Woche…
1. The Far Corners of the World: The Hidden Realm Above — Spells of the Sky
2. Grasp of the Emerald Claw Art Gallery
3. Character Class: Sorcerers with Class
4. D&D Miniatures: Deathknell Preview 4
5. D&D Miniatures: Commander’s Notebook — Vampire Aristocrat
6. Complete Adventurer Art Gallery
7. Magic Books of Faerun: Kaupaer’s Quick Book
8. Rules of the Game: Making Magic Items (Part 6)
9. Rules Reference: Feats, Prestige Classes, and Spells
10. Sharn Inquisitive — Tower Collapse Was Sabotage, Watch Says
11. Under the Glass — Healing
12. Dragonshards — Blades of the Quori
1. The Oblee
2. Reprieves
3. Jedi Counseling 57
4. Arms of the Alliance
Das war’s für diese Woche.