The Weekly Gatezeer #19

Sorry ichhabe es am Sonntag vergessen bzw. auch nicht geschafft
So hier die Wochen-News: Der Gatezeer.
Hier die News der vergangenen Woche…
1. NEWS: D&D 2005 — Biggest Year Ever!
2. To Quell the Rising Storm (10th level D&D v.3.5 adventure)
3. Grasp of the Emerald Claw Map Gallery
4. Official D&D Game Rule FAQ Update
5. Errata: Monster Manual 3
6. D&D Miniatures: Deathknell Preview 6
7- D&D Miniatures: The Crimson Blades
8. Character Class: Druids with Class
9- Realmslore: The Black Mysteries, Part One
10. Adventure Locales: The Steaming Demon
11. NEWS: Ten Reasons for Players to Buy Lost Empires of Faerun
12. Rules of the Game: All About Mounts (Part One)
13. NEWS: You Don’t Want to Miss Winter Fantasy 2005
1. We Don’t Need That Scum
1. Keith Baker speaks on Races Cover
2. Mark of Heroes: Reflections of the Multiverse Now Available For Download
3. Races of Eberron Petition
4. Races of Eberron Cover Art
Das war’s für diese Woche.