Midnight Syndicate veröffentlicht Soundtrack zu Robert Kurtzman’s Film, The Rage.

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February 26, 2008 (Cleveland, OH) ─ For the past eleven years, Midnight Syndicate has been taking listeners on musical journeys into the darkest corners of their imagination with their soundtracks to imaginary films. Now they bring their music to the big screen with their soundtrack to Robert Kurtzman’s drive-in/late-night horror show thriller, The Rage, produced by Precinct 13 Entertainment. Both the film and the soundtrack will be released on February 26th.
“Edward Douglas and Midnight Syndicate have composed an exciting, unrelenting, pulse pounding, score that propels The Rage along at breakneck speed,” says director Robert Kurtzman. The CD promises menacing ambience and signature Midnight Syndicate dark soundscape mixed with high octane, pulse-pounding action and chase themes guaranteed to get your blood pumping. “Being the score to an actual film, however, The Rage CD is very different from our other Midnight Syndicate releases,” explains composer Edward Douglas. “The disc is much more atmospheric with big, dynamic movements that are following the action in what is a very intense and high energy horror film.”
The CD is currently available online at Midnight Syndicate’s official website (www.MidnightSyndicate.com), Amazon, and CDBaby. It will also be available at Hot Topic stores that have music sections on March 18th. Samples and more information can be found on the band’s website and at www.MySpace.com/MidnightSyndicate.
Eine Rezension des Soundtracks wird in Kürze erfolgen, die CD ist schon auf dem Weg zur Redaktion laut Ed Douglas.
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